25+ Remote Work Statistics & Trends (2025): Updated Data

Remote Work Statistics

The shift toward remote work has become one of the most significant changes in today’s workplace. Initially introduced out of necessity during the global pandemic, remote work has since evolved into one of the most popular work formats globally. 

Currently, nearly one in five full-time employees work remotely, and more than half of U.S. workers have access to hybrid work options.

 In this article, we will explore the statistics on remote workers, their demographic preferences, and other key insights.

Remote Work 2025: Top Picks

  • 19.5% of the workers worldwide work remotely.
  • 36.2 million Americans are estimated to work remotely in the United States in 2025.
  • 16% of companies globally are fully remote, while 63% offer hybrid work options.
  • The demand for remote work will increase by 30% by 2030.
  • 98% of employees prefer to work remotely. 
  • 27.5% of the American workforce works from home. 
  • The productivity of remote workers declines by 8% to 19%.
  • 59% of workers are likelier to choose an employer that allows remote work. 
  • Employers can save up to $11,000 per employee after switching to remote work. 

How Many People Work From Home?

The number of full-time employees working from home has fluctuated over the past years. The remote work trend that started during lockdown is getting more popular today. 

One In Five Workers Work Remotely

Recent reports indicate that around 19.5% of people worldwide work remotely. This change highlights the increasing trend of remote work, as more people seek flexible job arrangements.

Source: US bureau of labor statistics

16% Of The Companies Operate Fully Remote

At the same time, 63% of the companies offer a hybrid or remote-first option.

The same study found that 44% of the companies do not allow any kind of remote work.

Source: LinkedIn

How Many Americans Work Remotely?

36.2 million Americans are projected to work remotely by 2025

This marks a significant increase of 16.8 million people compared to pre-pandemic levels, reflecting the lasting impact of remote work on the labor market.

Source: Upwork

Remote Work By Demographics

Remote work is highly preferred by GenX, followed by millennials. Meanwhile, GenZ gives the least preference to remote work. 

 Here are further details about the demographics of remote workers. 

61% Of The Men And 52% Of The Women Are Being Offered Remote Working Opportunities

However, women have a higher preference for remote work, with 46% of women looking for a remote job. On the other hand, only 39% of the men prefer to work from home. 

In fact, only 1 in 10 women prefer to work on-site.

Remote Work By Demographics

Here are further details about men’s and women’s preference for remote work and hybrid work. 

Mode of WorkWomenMen
Remote work46%39%
Hybrid work34%37%
In-office work19%24%

Source: McKinsey, Owl Labs.

39% Of The Workers Aged 24 To 35 Work Remotely 

At the same time, 25% of the employees in this age group work remotely but part-time. 

This suggests that the millennial workforce values flexibility. Hence, businesses that wish to retain employees must offer remote work. 

On the other hand, a study conducted by Statista highlights that 41% of employees aged 26 to 41 prefer to work from home, while 40% of employees aged 42 to 57 prefer the same. 

The study further indicates that employees aged 18 to 25 are least interested in working remotely.

Here are further details about the share of employees in different age groups that prefer to work from home. 

Age Group Share of Employees That Prefer To Work From Home
18 to 25 years 27%
26 to 41 years 41%
42 to 57 years 40%
58 to 76 years 38%

Source: Forbes,  Statista.

45% Of The Workers With Advanced Degrees Prefer To Work From Home

Workers with more education are more likely to have remote work options. 

45% of the full-time and 31% of part-time workers with advanced degrees are more likely to work remotely. 

Employees who have just completed high school or some college are least likely to work from home. 

Here are further details about the share of remote workers with different levels of education. 

Education LevelShare of Full-Time Remote WorkerShare of Part-Time Remote Worker
Less than high school32%21%
High school/some college29%19%
Advanced degree45%31%

Source: Forbes. 

Remote Work by Industry And Occupation

The industries that carry out all their major work on laptops or online tend to have a higher percentage of employees who work from home. 

Hence, almost 1 in 4 employees in the IT industry work in a remote or hybrid setting. 

The Computer And The Mathematical Industry Witnessed A 5-Fold Increase In Remote Work Compared To 2019

At the same time, business and finance operations and legal operations witnessed a 4 times increase in remote work.

Surprisingly, the food preparation industry also witnessed a 2.5 times increase in remote work.

Here are further details about the increase in remote work observed between 2019 and 2022 in different industries.

Industry Increase In Remote Work Compared To 2019
Computer and Mathematical5.4 times 
Business and Financial Operations3.9 times
Legal3.2 times
Management 3.25 times
Architecture and Engineering5.1 times
Life physical and social science3 times
Arts, Design and Entertainment3.4 times

Source: Weforum.

41.2% Of The Job Listings In The Technology, Information, And Media Industry On Linkedin Were Remote 

The information and media industry witnessed the highest number of remote jobs worldwide. 

The industry was closely followed by the education, administrative, and support services industry. 

Percentage of Remote Job listings On LinkedIn 

Here are further details about the industries with the highest remote job listings on LinkedIn. 

IndustryPercentage of Remote Job listings On LinkedIn 
Technology, information, and media 41.2%
Administrative and support services 27.4%
Professional services26.5%
Financial services20.2%

Source: LinkedIn News

Productivity Of Remote Work Employees

When addressing remote work, most employers and employees worry about work productivity. 

According to a number of studies, the work productivity of an employee declines when working from home. 

However, some researchers found that employee productivity may increase if a suitable environment is obtained. 

The Productivity Of Remote Workers Declines By 8% To 19%

At the same time, other studies recorded a decline of 4% in individual productivity. 

Conversely, some studies claim that the productivity of remote workers increases by 13% to 24%. 

Source: New York Times.

Remote Work Preferences

More than half of the employees said they would prefer working from home if provided with an option.  

This is because employees prefer a job that offers them flexibility in their schedules. 

Here are some cool facts about employees’ preferences related to remote work. 

59% Of Workers Are Likelier To Choose An Employer That Allows Remote Work 

74% of the workers said that remote work opportunities make them less likely to leave a company. 

Employees often highly value remote work, leading to increased job satisfaction. Hence, remote work has become highly desirable among job seekers. 

Offering remote work opportunities enhances an employer’s brand and can attract top talents. 

Source: Science of People

98% Of The Workers Want To Work Remotely, At Least Part-Time

This number is up from 97% recorded in 2022. 

At the same time, 34% of workers want to work from home full-time.

 Further, 98% of the employees said that they would recommend others to work from home. This number is also up from 97% as recorded in 2022. 

Source: Buffer

68% Of The Employees Reported A Very Positive Experience With Remote Work

Flexibility was the top benefit of remote work. 

On the other hand, one in three remote workers reports their biggest struggle was staying home too often because they don’t have a reason to leave.

Conversely, 1% of the employees were somewhat negative.

Percentage of Employees

Here are further details about the employees’ experience with remote work. 

Experience of The EmployeesPercentage of Employees
Very positive68%
Somewhat positive23%
Somewhat negative1%
Very negative0%

Source: Buffer. 

93% Of Employers Plan To Continue Conducting Job Interviews Remotely

This displays that employers are willing to adapt to virtual methods. Further, they consider it a sustainable option compared to offline interviews. 

Source: LinkedIn. 

Benefits Of Remote Work

Remote work has benefits like flexibility, no commute required, saving time, and more. Plus, a hidden benefit of remote work is that employees and employers can cut costs.  

Employees can save the dollars required for commute, while employees save dollars for space and other necessities. 

Here are further facts about the benefits that come with remote work. 

Remote Workers Earn Almost $8,600 More On Average Than Their In-Office Peers

Remote workers earn 9.7% more a year than their in-office counterparts.

United States Work From Home Stat

Additionally, office managers earned 31.7% more working remotely than in the office. Public relations managers followed closely behind at 30.1%, along with customer service managers and data analysts.

This pay gap could be because employers decided to pass along their savings from reducing office space to their workers.

On the other hand, only six in-office positions earn higher salaries than their remote counterparts: junior web developers, supply-chain managers, UX designers, insurance underwriters, financial advisors, and sales assistants.

Source: Yahoo, Fortune 

22% Of The Employees Stated That The Biggest Benefit Of Remote Work Is Having Flexibility In How They Spend Their Time. 

At the same time, the second majority chose that the most significant benefit is flexibility in where they live. 

The benefits of remote work vary according to employee preferences and what they value more. 

The following table displays the benefits that remote-working employees experience:

Benefits of Working From Home Percentage of Employees That Consider It To Be The Biggest Benefit of Remote Work
Flexibility in how I spend my time22%
Flexibility to live where I choose19%
Flexibility to choose my work location13%
I have more time because I don’t commute12%
It’s better for me financially11%
The ability to better focus on my work8%
Flexibility in my career options4%
I feel safer3%

Employers Can Save Up To $11,000 Per Employee After Switching To Remote Work 

These savings are from reduced costs from office space and utilities, lower absenteeism, increased productivity, and other resources.

Source: Forbes. 

33% Of The Employees Stated That Their Anxiety And Depression Reduced After Working From Home

At the same time, 36% said that they felt less burned out. 

An average of one-third of employees working from home said that their overall physical and mental health improved due to remote work. 

Percentage Of Employees Experienced Betterment

The following table displays the health-related benefits remote employees experience after working from home:

Health Benefits of Working From HomePercentage of Employees That Experienced Betterment In Health
Less burnout36%
Healthier food choices 35%
Reduced anxiety and depression 34%
Improved overall mental health33%
Improved sleep32%
Increased exercise 30%
Improved overall physical health28%

Source: Flexjobs. 

Challenges Of Remote Work

 Remote work is not just about benefits; there’s a cost employees need to pay. 

Most employees experience fatigue and increased burnout levels when working from home. At the same time, a large majority of the employees also witness feelings of loneliness. 

Let us take a closer look at employees’ challenges when working from home. 

69% Of Remote Employees Experience Burnout

The issue of burnout persists even in the remote work setting.

Even though remote work alleviates the stress of commodities and rigid schedules, it introduces new challenges like managing work, avoiding overwork, lack of work-life balance, and more. 

Source: Monster.

53% Of The Remote Workers Found It Harder To Connect With Their Coworkers

Remote work makes face-to-face interactions difficult, resulting in a loss of communication. Further, several surveys concluded that remote workers face difficulty connecting with their coworkers. 

This figure highlights the need for businesses to develop strategies for helping employees with effective communication and team building in remote settings.

Conversely, 37% of the remote workers said that remote work neither hurts nor helps make connections with coworkers. 

Source: Forbes. 

47% Of The Employees Find It Difficult To Manage At-Home Distractions While Working From Home 

At the same time, 35% of the remote workers said that they felt isolated or lonely. 

The following table displays the distractions faced by remote workers:

Challenges Faced By Employees Working RemotelyPercentage of Employees That Face The Challenge
Managing at-home distractions47%
Collaborating with colleagues/clients35%
Tasking adequate time away from work28%
Disconnecting from work/burnout28%
Networking/fostering career development24%
None of the above6%

Source: Statista

Remote Work Trends And Future

According to a study by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), Remote work helps employees save 72 minutes of daily commuting. This proves that remote work saves costs as well as time. 

Hence, after observing all the benefits of remote work, the number of employees working remotely went up by 24%, and those working in a hybrid environment increased by 16% after 2021. 

Further, by 2024, 60% of the US workforce will be working remotely. This will be an increase of almost 20% compared to 2020. 

Let’s take a look at some facts about remote work trends and future adoptions. 

The Hybrid Work Model Will Emerge As The Dominant Approach To Work Location By 2030

NickBloom predicts that this model will be the new approach as it combines the advantages of remote work and in-person collaboration. As a result, it offers a flexible and efficient solution for both employees and employers. 

He further added that remote work would also help in technological advancements as a number of innovative tools will come into existence. These tools will help organizations bridge the gap between in-person and virtual collaborations. 

Source: Flex Index

The Demand For Remote Work Will Increase By 30% By 2030

By 2030, almost all of the GenZ will be entering the workforce. As the majority of GenZ prefer flexibility, the demand for remote work will skyrocket. 

Source: Gartner

Conclusion: 19.5% Of The Workers Work From Home

Remote work has become a lasting global trend, transforming workplace operations. 

A growing number of people are now seeking more flexible work options, with 19.5% favoring remote work over traditional office settings.

This shift is also reflected in the U.S., where the number of remote workers is expected to reach 36.2 million by 2025, highlighting the increasing demand for flexibility in how and where people work.

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