Searching for a ProWritingAid discount code to save on this writing tool? Here, we have shared exclusive offers on ProWritingAid that’ll help you save up to 67% on your purchase.
Here is how you can claim this massive discount on your ProWritingAid purchase!
Active ProWritingAid Coupon Code 2025
ProWritingAid 67% Off Discount Code For All Yearly Plans!
Get a straight 67% discount on all of the ProWritingAid yearly plans without any code needed.
Get Exclusive Free Access To The ProWritingAid Tool
Get access to ProWritingAid for free with 500-word generations, 10 rephrases, a Thesaurus, and grammar and punctuation checking!
Get An Exclusive 20% OFF On ProWritinAid With Their Student Discount
Claim this special ProWritingAid 20% discount deal offered exclusively for students. Claim this special ProWritingAid 20% discount deal offered exclusively for students.
Follow the below guide to claim the ProWritingAid discount with 3 simple steps! Find more details about the pricing plans, their inclusions, and whether ProWritingAid is worth it
Available ProWritingAid Coupon Codes & Discount Offers (2025)
Discover the 2025 Prowriting Aid with verified expiration dates on our newest deals.
Active Coupon/Deals | Validity |
Straight 67% Off on All ProWritingAid Plans | 31, January, 2025 |
Exclusive Free Access to ProWritingAid | 31, January, 2025 |
Special 20% Discount for Students on ProWritingAid | 31, January, 2025 |
Follow the upcoming steps to get the maximum savings for any of the ProWritingAid subscriptions!
How To Claim ProWritingAid Discount Offers
With this step-by-step guide, you can claim ProWritingAid offers easily!
Step #1: Use our exclusive to initiate the discount-claiming process. Once you see the below page, select the plan you wish to go ahead with and click on the purchase button.
Step #2: Upon clicking, you will be directed to the checkout page, where you can see the chosen plan and the price you must pay. I am buying a yearly subscription to the Premium ProWritingAid plan for demonstration.
Fill in your e-mail address and card details to initiate the payment.
Step #3: Next, you need to verify your selected plan and the annual 67% discount and make the payment via credit card or PayPal.
As soon as you complete the payment, you will receive an activation link on your email address. Click on it to create a password for your account, and you’re done!
Now, you can use ProWritingAid to write your essays, blog articles, emails, and so on more professionally.
ProWritingAid Student Discount
If you are a student looking forward to using ProWritingAid, you are in luck! ProWritingAid offers a flat 20% student discount.
To claim your discount, you can verify your email address (official) with ProWritingAid. Once your student ID is verified, you will receive an exclusive discount link, which will already have a 20% discount embedded.
To learn more about student discounts and procedures, you can head over to their official page.
ProWritingAid Pricing Plans
ProWritingAid offers three plans in total. These are:
- Free
- Premium
- Premium Pro
Each plan can further be purchased for three time periods – monthly, yearly, and for a lifetime.
1. ProWritingAidFree Plan: This free plan has a 500-word limit and offers basic suggestions for anywhere that you wish. You can rephrase a sentence to be formal, longer, shorter, etc 10 times a day, and get a grammar, spelling, and punctuation checker.
You can choose from over 40+ document settings and also 100% data security and pricing.
2. ProWritingAid Premium Plan: The ProWritingAid Premium plan has three pricing options. If you are selecting the monthly option, then you have to pay $30/mo.
For the yearly plan, you need to pay $120/year, and if you want the lifetime access to this plan, then you need to pay $399 once.
This plan includes all the features of the Free plan. There is no word limit on this plan. You also get the desktop version of ProWritingAid and integrations for Google Docs, MS Word, Scrivener, and Chrome.
Plus, you get 25+ writing analysis reports, citations, unlimited document storage, a custom style guide, author comparison, and other premium features.
3. ProWritingAid Pro Plan: The ProWritingAid Pro Plan also has three pricing options.
For the monthly version, you need to pay $36/month; for the yearly version, $144/year; and for the lifetime version, you need to pay at $699 once.
With the benefits of the Premium plan, the Premium Pro plan offers 50 AI sparks per day and 3 critiques (AI feedback) per day.
If you want just the plagiarism checks, then you can buy them separately. For ten plagiarism checks, the pricing is $10. For 100 plagiarism checks, the pricing is $40. For 500 plagiarism checks, the pricing is $120. For 1000 plagiarism checks, you need to pay $200.
So, these are the available pricing options on ProWritingAid. The free version is an excellent choice if you just want a grammar checker, and it also allows you to edit your writing 500 words at a time, so that’s a plus point.
Is ProWritingAid Worth it?
ProWritingAid comes with plenty of amazing features that can assist you in writing clearer and grammatically error-free content. While it lacked a lot of features compared to its competitors like Grammarly, it is an affordable option.
Bonus read: You can check my detailed ProWritingAid vs Grammarly comparison to understand how these two stand against each other!
As a student, you can consider ProWritingAid for your assignments. Similarly, you writers, authors, and bloggers will also find it handy for checking their content thoroughly.
I have also reviewed ProWritingAid in detail, sharing my experience with the tool to help you know how it worked for me!
Related Reads:
Conclusion: Get 67% Discount On ProWritingAid Annual Plans
ProWritingAid is a great choice to avoid mistakes in your writing and to make it more professional. It also integrates with other apps, which makes it suitable for Linux, Mac, and Windows. It gives you quick suggestions, writing reports, and plagiarism checks.
Most bloggers, fictional/non-fictional authors, students, and business writers use ProWritingAid to make their writing more professional while also saving a lot of time!
With this huge 67% discount on a ProWritingAid plan, you can take your writing a level above and also save money. And you know what the best part is? Both plans offer a 14-day money-back guarantee if you do not like using ProWritingAid.
Want to explore more options? Check our handpicked list of top grammar checkers and pick the right tool for your needs!
FAQs on ProWritingAid Discount & Coupon
Yes, you can easily save up to 67% on ProWritingAid plans without any hassle. You have to use our exclusive discount to activate the discount offer.
Yes! ProWritingAid offers a separate free plan with a 500-word limit and 10 rephrases per day.
Grammarly is a premium AI writing tool available with lots of advanced features. On the other hand, ProWritingAid is another AI writing tool with satisfactory results.
Yes, ProWritingAid comes with a 14-day money-back guarantee. If you’re not satisfied with ProWritingAid, you can get your money back.