95 Search Engine Marketing Statistics (2025) — Trends Data

With an increasing dependence on search engines, search engine marketing has become a crucial tactic in the marketing industry.

Understanding what people search for and how they search on search engines can be very useful for marketers and businesses alike.

This article covers the latest search engine marketing statistics, adoption and more.

SEM Statistics 2025 (Top Picks)

  1.  The number of internet users is expected to reach 6.54 billion by 2025.
  1. The number of internet users in the United States is predicted to have reached 323.56.
  1. Google handles over 99,000 queries per second
  1. 50.9% of Internet users search for news and events on the Internet, while 43.4% search for products and brands.
  1. Organic searches drive 1000% more traffic than organic social. 
  1.  An average user visits 8.79 pages on Google during the search.
  1.  “Near Me” and “Where to buy” searches have grown 200% in the last two years. 
  1. 92.1% of internet users use smartphones to browse the Internet. 
  1. Over 58% of customers search for local businesses through voice searches.
  1. The experts say Google Ads are expected to increase by 9.5% in 2023.
  1. With 95.69%, Google holds a significant share of mobile search engines worldwide.
  1. 20% of customers buy products online once per week. 
  1. With 92.61%, Google is the top player in the Search Engine market worldwide. 
  1. Google has 88.89% of the share in the search engine market in the United States.
  1. Chrome holds 48.77% of the browser market share in the United States as of 2023. 

How Many Internet Users Are There?

It is very surprising to hear that Internet usage increased by 1355% from the beginning of 2000. The use of the Internet is increasing day by day. 

How Many Internet Users Are There

Let’s get more fascinating insights into internet users in this section. 

  1. There are 5.16 billion people using the internet in the world as of 2023. 
  1. 64.5% of the world’s population uses the Internet. 
YearInternet Users As Compared To The World’s Population
  1. Internet users are increasing by around 3.5% growth year by year.
  1. Internet usage increased by 1355% from the beginning of 2000.
  1. 93% of American adults use the Internet.
YearThe Percentage Of U.S. Adult Internet Users
  1. With 1 billion headcount, China has the most number of internet users in the world.
  1. 305.37 million internet users are in the United States.
CountryNumber Of Internet Users
China1050 million
India692 million
The United States311. 3 million
Indonesia212.9 million
Brazil181.8 million
Russia127.6 million
Nigeria122.5 million
Japan102.5 million
Mexico100.6 million
Philippines85.16 million
Egypt80.75 million
Vietnam77.93 million
Germany77.53 million
Turkey71.38 million
Iran69.83 million
Bangladesh66.94 million
The United Kingdom66.11 million
Thailand61.21 million
France59.94 million
Italy50.78 million
Pakistan87.35 million
South Korea50.56 million
Spain45.12 million
Poland36.68 million
Argentina39.79 million

Source: Demandsage, Statista.

How Many Searches Are Done Online Every Day?

The top search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, and Baidu combined handle 260.081 billion searches monthly. 

I have gathered all the essential statistics about daily and monthly searches in this section.

  1. It’s impressive to note that Google handles over 99,000 queries per second
  1. That equates to more than 8.5 billion daily searches and a staggering 3.1 trillion searches annually
  1. Microsoft Bing gets over 1.2 billion visits every month
  1. Yahoo witnesses 700 million searches via mobile phones every month.
  1. DuckDuckGo Handle 98.79 million search queries daily, equating to 2.9 billion every month.
  1. Baidu has 218 million daily users and 665 million monthly mobile searches. 

Source: Oberlo, Internet Live Stat.

What Do People Search On The Internet?

People go to search engines to search for many things. But there are some common searches we have all done at some point. 

Let’s see these common reasons why people go to the Internet. 

  1. 50.9% of Internet users search for news and some events on the Internet, while 43.4% search for products and brands.
ReasonsShare Of Respondents
Searching Information57.8%
To connect with family and friends53.7%
Searching for the latest events and news50.9%
Watching Videos, TV shows, or movies49.7%
Searching for How-To-Do things47.6%
Searching for new ideas or inspiration44.3%
Searching for Products and Brands43.4%
Accessing and Listening to music43.2%
General Browsing and Filling Up Spare Time41%
Study-Related and Education Purposes38.3%
Researching for Places, Vacations, and Travel36.4%
Researching for Health Issues and Healthcare Products34.7%
Managing Savings and Finance33.7%
Making New Connections Meeting New People29%
Business-Related Searches28.9%
  1. On Google, “Google” is the top query worldwide, and the second query is YouTube. 

Here is a list of the top query search on Google worldwide. 

  1. Google
  2. YouTube
  3. Facebook
  4. You
  5. Weather
  6. News
  7. WhatsApp
  8. Translate
  9. Amazon
  10. Instagram
  11. WhatsApp Web
  12. Tiempo
  13. Gmail
  14. Noroa
  15. Twitter
  16. Traductor
  17. Meteo
  18. Hotmail
  19. Yahoo
  20. Google Translate
  1. Google was the top-searched site in 2021. 

Here is a list showing the top 10 most searched sites in 2021. 

  • Google
  • YouTube
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Baidu
  • Wikipedia
  • Yahoo!
  • XVideos

Source: Data Reportal, 99Firms

Organic Searches

According to Demandsage, Organic searches drive 1000% more traffic than organic social. Organic traffic is important for any marketer. 

Organic Searches

Here are some of the important insights into organic searches. 

  1. Only 0.21% of Google pages get more than 1001 organic search traffic. On the other hand, 90.63% get no organic search traffic.
VisitsPagesNumber Of Pages
0 visits90.63%847,833,932
1 to 10 visits5.29%51,533,239
11 to 100 visits2.84%28,248,087
101 to 1000 visits1.04%10,322,545
More than 1001 visits0.21%2,094,758
  1. The first result page on Google for organic search has an average CTR of 27.6%. And that same page has, on average, 1400-1500 words on it. 
  1. Organic traffic is responsible for 53% of the total website traffic
  1. 16.3% of Google’s organic traffic comes from searching for the keyword “Google” in the United States. 
  1. Over 1 billion questions have been asked to Google Lens to date. 
  1. Internet users will search 2 to 4 times a day on Google. 
  1. Every time Internet users visit 8.79 pages on Google

Source: Ahrefs, Demandsage, Finance Online.

Local Searches

The local searches are increasing day by day. In local searches, “Where to buy” and “near me” searches are increased in the last two years.

Let’s get some more interesting statistics about local searches.  

  1. 22.6% of digital traffic comes from local searches, while 46.5% comes from organic searches. 
  1. “Near Me” and “Where to buy” searches are grown 200% in the last two years. 
  1. 23% of the time, users rely on Google’s autosuggestions. 
  1. 80% of local results into conversion. 
  1. 46% of Google searches are for local businesses. 
  1. 50% of users visit the store within a day of a local search.
  1. 78% of users search for local businesses more than once weekly. 
  1. 28% of local searches convert into a purchase. 
  1. 91% of users aged between 18 to 34 years trust a business that has positive reviews. 

Source: Ahrefs, Demandsage, 

What Percentage Of Searches Are Mobile Searches?

In 2017, Mobile traffic crossed the mark of  50% of total global traffic. These percentages are increasing day by day. Today, almost 60% of all traffic comes from mobile.

In this section, we will see some of the essential statistics about mobile searches. 

  1. 92.1% of internet users use smartphones to browse the internet. 
  1. Mobile traffic holds 58.33 % of all traffic worldwide as of Q1 of 2023.
QuarterMobile Traffic
Q1 of 201531.16%
Q2 of 201532.85%
Q3 of 201538.38%
Q4 of 201538.43%
Q1 of 201639.47%
Q2 of 201642.16%
Q3 of 201644.69%
Q4 of 201649.33%
Q1 of 201750.03%
Q2 of 201752.21%
Q3 of 201752.99%
Q4 of 201751.12%
Q1 of 201851.77%
Q2 of 201851.89%
Q3 of 201852.4%
Q4 of 201847.19%
Q1 of 201948.71%
Q2 of 201948.91%
Q3 of 201951.51%
Q4 of 201952.6%
Q1 of 202051.92%
Q2 of 202051.53%
Q3 of 202050.81%
Q4 of 202052.2%
Q1 of 202154.8%
Q2 of 202155.09%
Q3 of 202155.78%
Q4 of 202154.4%
Q1 of 202255.79%
Q2 of 202258.99%
Q3 of 202259.54%
Q4 of 202259.16%
Q1 of 202358.33%

Source: Statista, Demadsage

The Popularity Of Voice Searches

The voice assistant is one of the fastest-growing technology. While having an online business, it is not the thing to miss out on.

The Popularity Of Voice Searches

Here are some of the crucial statistics about voice searches that may blow your mind. 

  1. There are 4.2 billion voice assistants in the world as of 2023, and this number can reach 8.4 billion by 2024. 
  1. Over 58% of customers search for local businesses through voice searches. 
  1. 75% of voice-enabled speaker owners use voice searches for local businesses weekly. 
  1. Voice assistance can answer 93.7% of all queries
  1. Over 50% of adults use voice assistance daily. 
  1. Over 1 billion voice assistance takes place monthly. 
  1. 27% of people use voice search on mobile. 
  1. Over 40% of voice search results are from feature snippets. 
  1. 58% of local business searches are done by voice assistance. 
  1. 41% of adults in the United States use voice assistance daily. 
  1. The experts say voice search shopping will cross $40 billion
  1. More than 36% of the residents in the United States use voice assistance. 
  1. There are 125.20 million voice assistant users as of 2023. 
Year+Voice Assistant Users
201779.90 million
2018103.90 million
2019115.20 million
2020128 million
2021132 million
2022123.50 million
2023125.20 million

Source: Demandsage.

Search Ads Statistics 

We encounter online ads when we interact with search engines or social media. Google is the dominant player in online ads. 

Let’s get some of the crucial statistics about search ads in this section. 

  1. The experts say Google Ads are expected to increase by 9.5% in 2023
  1. The average cost per click is $1 to $2 on Google Ads
  1. The average click-through rate for Google ads is 2%
  1. The average cost per click in AdWords is $2.67 for searches in all industries. 
  1. The dating and Personals industry has the maximum average CTR of Google Ads, with 6.05%, and the B2B industry has 2.41%. 
IndustryThe Average CTR Of Google Ads
Dating and Personals6.05%
Travel and Hospitality4.68%
Real Estate3.71%
Health and Medical3.27%
Finance and Insurence2.91%
Industrial Services2.61%
Home Goods2.44%
Employment Services2.42%
Consumer Services2.41%
  1. Google Ads acquired more than 73% of the paid search market
  1. Almost 33% of mobile ads come from Google. 
  1. More than 63% of people clicked on Google Ads. 
Search EngineClick On Ads
  1. 77% of marketers plan to increase their investment in Google Ads in 2023. 
  1. 97% of Google’s revenue comes from Google Ads. 

Source: 99Firms, Demandsage.  

Why Do People Click On Paid Ads?

When we see online ads, some click on them, and some skip them. Here we will discuss the reasons why people click on paid ads. 

  1. 33% of people click on paid ads to give the answer. 
Reasons To Click On Paid AdsShare Of Respondents
To answer a question33%
Ads mentioned a familiar brand26%
Ads were listed before the other results20%
Due to compiling image, title, or description19%

Source: Demandsage

Search Statistics By Device 

We consistently access the internet through many devices as of now. In this section, we will see the mobile, desktop, and tablet search engine market. 


  1. With 95.69%, Google holds a significant share of mobile search engines worldwide as of 2023. 

Here is a list showing the mobile search engine market worldwide by search engines. 

  • Google- 95.69%
  • YANDEX- 1.53%
  • Yahoo!- 0.57%
  • Bing- 0.5%
  • Baidu- 0.47%
  • DuckDuckGo- 0.44% 
  1. In the United States, Google holds 94.93% mobile search engine market. 

Here is a list showing the mobile search engine market in the United States. 

  • Google- 94.93%
  • DuckDuckGo- 1.8%
  • Yahoo!- 1.61%
  • Bing- 1.34%
  • YANDEX- 0.17%
  • StartPage- 0.06%


  1. Bing holds 7.23% of the desktop search engine market worldwide. 
  • Google- 86.55%
  • Bing- 7.23%
  • Yahoo!- 2.16%
  • YANDEX- 1.9%
  • DuckDuckGo- 0.67%
  • Baidu- 0.4%
  1. Google holds 81.32% of the desktop search engine market in the United States. 
  • Google- 81.32%
  • Bing- 12.86%
  • Yahoo!- 3.3%
  • DuckDuckGo- 2.06% 
  • YANDEX- 0.16%
  • Ecosia- 0.1%


  1. YANDEX holds 1.38% of the tablet search engine market worldwide. 
  • Google- 91.35%
  • Bing- 4.8%
  • YANDEX- 1.38%
  • Yahoo!- 1.04%
  • DuckDuckGo- 0.83%
  • Baidu- 0.17
  1. StartPage holds 0.11% of the tablet search engine market in the United States. 
  • Google- 81.76%
  • Bing- 13.24%
  • DuckDuckGo- 2.89% 
  • Yahoo!- 1.68%
  • YANDEX- 0.2%
  • StartPage- 0.11%

Source: Stat Counter. 

Online Shopping Statistics

One of the essential things to do on the Internet is online shopping. Everyone bought some product online at least once at a point. 

Online Shopping

Here we will get some of the important statistics about online shopping. 

  1. 20% of customers buy products online once per week. 
  • Once per week- 20%
  • Once every two weeks- 24%
  • Once per month- 31%
  • 3-4 times per quarter- 15%
  • Once every three months- 10%
  1. Global retail e-commerce sales were predicted to reach $6,913 billion in 2024.
YearRetail e-commerce Sales
2014$1,336 billion
2015$1,548 billion
2016$1,845 billion
2017$2,382 billion
2018$2,982 billion
2019$3,351 billion
2020$4,248 billion
2021$5,211 billion
2022$5,717 billion
2023$6,310 billion
2024*$6,913 billion
2025*$7,528 billion
2026*$8,148 billion


  1. The global retail e-commerce market is growing with a CAGR of 11.34%, and in the United States, it is growing with a CAGR of 10.86%
  1. Amazon.com is the most visited retail website in the world, with 3,161.64 million monthly visits. 
WebsiteMonthly Visits
amazon.com3,161.64 million
ebay.com589.1 million
walmart.com581.22 million
alieexpress.com486.47 million
etsy.com467.64 million
amazon.de340 million
rakuten.co.jp278.59 million
homemadepot.com200.74 million
target.com194.91 million

Source: Statista, Zippia.

Most Prominent Players In The Search Engine Market Worldwide

There are many important players in the search engine market. The share of search engines varies from region to region. But Google is, as an always dominant player here. 

Let’s get some of the important statistics about the search engine market. 

  1. With 92.61%, Google is the top player in the Search Engine market worldwide as of 2023. 

Here is a list showing the top players of the search engine market with their global market share as of April 2023. 

  • Google- 92.61%
  • Bing- 2.79%
  • YANDEX- 1.65%
  • Yahoo!- 1.1%
  • DuckDuckGo- 0.52%
  • Baidu- 0.44%
  1. Google’s share was 92.58% in the search engine market in 2022. 
YearGoogle’s Share In Search Engine Market

Source: Stat Counter.

Search Engine Market In The United States

We have seen the global search engine market. In this section, we will see the search engine market’s current state in the United States. 

  1. Google has 88.89% of the share in the search engine market in the United States as of 2023.

Here is a list showing the top players of the search engine market with their market share in the United States as of April 2023.

  • Google- 88.89%
  • Bing- 6.47%
  • Yahoo!- 2.32%
  • DuckDuckGo- 1.94%
  • YANDEX- 0.17%
  • Ecosia- 0.07%
  1. In 2022, Google had 87.72% of the market share in the search engine market in the United States. 
YearGoogle’s Share In Search Engine Market In The United States

Source: Stat Counter.

Search Engine Market By Region

  1. In Africa, Google is also at the top, with 96.72% of the total search engine market
  • Google- 96.72%
  • Bing- 2.35%
  • Petal Search- 0.37%
  • Yahoo!- 0.27%
  • DuckDuckGo- 0.17%
  • YANDEX- 0.07%
  1. CocCoc is Asia’s 6th major search engine player, with 0.48% of the market share. 
  • Google- 92.79%
  • YANDEX- 2.37%
  • Bing- 1.52%
  • Baidu- 0.9%
  • Yahoo!- 0.88%
  • CocCoc- 0.48%
  1. Ecosia has 0.26% of Europe’s search engine market share as of 2023. 
  • Google- 92.46%
  • Bing- 3.28%
  • YANDEX- 2.04%
  • Yahoo!- 1.05%
  • DuckDuckGo- 0.53%
  • Ecosia- 0.26%
  1. In North America, DuckDuckGo has 1.6% of the search engine market share as of 2023. 
  • Google- 90.09% 
  • Bing- 5.88%
  • Yahoo!- 2.03%
  • DuckDuckGo- 1.6%
  • YANDEX- 0.15%
  • Ecosia- 0.07%
  1. YANDEX only holds 0.09% of the search engine market share in Oceania. 
  • Google- 94.72%
  • Bing- 3.54%
  • Yahoo!- 0.86%
  • DuckDuckGo- 0.58%
  • Ecosia- 0.1%
  • YANDEX- 0.09%
  1. The Petal search has only 0.01% of South America’s search engine market share.
  • Google- 96.48%
  • Bing- 2.26%
  • Yahoo!- 0.95%
  •  Petal Search- 0.01%
  • DuckDuckGo- 0.01%
  • YANDEX- 0.07%

Source: Stat Counter.

Key Players Of The Browser Market

We have already seen the search engine market. But, here, it is important to see the browser market also. 

In this section, we will see the global and American browser markets. 

  1. With 63.51%, Chrome holds the world’s significant browser market share as of 2023. 

Here is a list showing the browser share market worldwide by browsers. 

  • Chrome- 63.51%
  • Safari- 20.43%
  • Edge- 4.96%
  • Firefox- 2.77%
  • Samsung Internet- 2.59%
  • Opera- 2.39%
  • UC Browser- 0.93%
  • Android- 0.74%
  • IE- 0.24%
  1. Chrome holds 48.77% of the browser market share in the United States as of 2023. 

Here is a list showing browser market share in the United States. 

  • Chrome- 48.77%
  • Safari- 34.6%
  • Edge- 8.41%
  • Firefox- 3.4%
  • Opera- 1.92%
  • Samsung Internet- 1.32%
  • Android- 0.67%
  • IE- 0.26%
  • Mozilla- 0.16%

Source: Stat Counter.

Related Read:

Conclusion: SEM Statistics (2025)

Search marketing is one of the most effective marketing strategies because of it is 100X more cost-efficient than others. If you wish to rank organically on the SERPs, take notes from the above article.

These search engine marketing statistics will help you achieve your marketing goals. You can increase your CTR and conversion rate by using these statistics. 

For more updates, revisit this article. We will be updating this from time to time. 


What are the three types of search engine marketing?

These three types of search engine marketing are Pay-per-click (PPC), Local SEO, and Organic SEO. 

What is the ROI on Google Ads?

A recent study shows that the average ROI on Google ads is 800%, which means $8 for $1 spent. 

What percentage of people click on Ads?

When people go to buy any product online that time 65% of people click on ads. 

Who is the dominant player in Search Engine Market?

Google is the top dominant player worldwide and in other world regions. 

Why is search marketing so effective?

Search marketing is 100X more cost-efficient than any other marketing. That is why search marketing is so effective. 

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