How Many Employees Does Amazon Have (2014-2024)

The number of Amazon employees has declined since 2022. Following the economic instability, Amazon laid off 27,000 employees in the first quarter of 2023. 

Amazon also said they would hire 25,000 employees in the United States during the 2023 holiday season.

In this article, we have covered the latest number of employees working at Amazon and their demographics.

So let’s get into it. 

Top Picks for Number of Amazon Employees

  1. 1.52 million people will work for Amazon as of 2024. 
  1. 1.1 million of those employees work at Amazon USA
  1. 56.8% of Amazon employees are men, and 43.1% are Women. 
  1.  20 to 30 years is the average age of employees working at Amazon. 
  1. Almost 50% of the employees leave Amazon within a year

How Many Amazon Employees Are There?

  1. 1.52 million people work at Amazon worldwide. 

As per Amazon’s Q4 2023 report, 1,525,000 employees work for the company.

That is 25,000 more employees than in the past quarter.

Source: Amazon.

Did You Know? Amazon is the most popular e-commerce site in the US, with a 37.8% market share

Number of Amazon Employees Over Time

  1. Amazon’s workforce number peaked in 2021.

Amazon had around 1.60 million employees globally in 2021, which is the highest to date. That is mainly because the demand for e-commerce increased drastically after COVID-19.

In the first quarter of 2023, Amazon had 1.465 million employees. It went down to 1.461 million in the second quarter, and the workforce sits at 1.525 million as of Q4 2023.

Number Of Employees Working At Amazon Over The Years

The following table displays the number of employees working at Amazon over the years: 

YearNumber of Employees Working at Amazon over the years

Source: Amazon, Macrotrends.

How Many Employees Does Amazon Have In The US?

  1. About 1.11 million employees work at Amazon in the United States

To be precise, 1,112,555 people work at Amazon in the United States. 

Source: Wikipedia, Amazon. 

  1. Amazon’s new hourly wage is $20.50

According to the latest Amazon quarterly report, the company announced its largest-ever annual investment in US hourly pay of $1.3 billion, making the new hourly wage $20.50.

Source: Amazon. 

Bonus: Check out Amazon Statistics for further insights into the company.

Amazon Workforce Demographics & General Stats

In this section, we will review the share of Amazon employees belonging to various diversities. 

Amazon Workforce By Gender

  1. 56.8% of the employees working at Amazon are Men, while 43.1% are Women.

At the same time, 0.1% of the global Amazon workforce belongs to the LGBTQ+ community.

Share of Male, Female, And LGBTQ+ Employees

The following table displays the share of male, female, and LGBTQ+ employees working at Amazon over the years:

YearMale Female LGBTQ+

Source: Amazon

  1. Amazon US’s workforce consists of 54.3% males and 45.5% females. 

54.3% of the employees working at Amazon in the United States are male, while 45.5% are female. 

The rest, 0.2% of employees, are from the LGBTQ+ community. 

Source: Amazon

  1. 52.9% of the field and Customer support Amazon employees worldwide are men, while 46.9% are female.

The following infographics provide further details about the gender diversity of the field and customer support of Amazon employees. 

Field And Customer Support level1-level3

Source: Amazon. 

  1. The majority of corporate employees working at Amazon are men.

The Global share and the share in the United States owned by the Men and Women Corporate employees at Amazon are almost similar. 

Corporate Employees level4-7
  1. Only 1 in 4 senior leaders in Amazon are Women. 

After observing the share of Men and Women working at different positions worldwide and in the United States, we found that the gender gap increases as we go up in the employment hierarchy at Amazon. 

The following table displays the share of Men and Women Working as Senior Leaders at Amazon globally and in the United States. 

Senior Leaders level 8
  1. The People Managers Working at Amazon worldwide are 68.3% Men and 31.7% Women. 

Narrowing down the research to the United States, 68.5% of the People Managers in the United States are Men, and 31.4% are Women. 

The following table displays the share of managers of different genders. 

GenderShare of Managers Worldwide Share of in the US

Source: Amazon

  1. 85% of the tech workers at Amazon are either working hybrid or remotely. 

As remote work has gained popularity post-pandemic, 12.7% of full-time employees at Amazon work remotely, while 28.2% work in hybrid mode. 

Amazon Workforce by Race/ Ethnicity

  1. 31.9% of the employees working at Amazon are white, while 26.1% are Black. 

The percentage of Asian employees working at Amazon was 16.6%, and 1.8% are multi-racial. 

Percentage Of Amazon Employees

The following table displays the percentage of Amazon employees of different races and ethnicities:

Race/ EthnicityShare of Amazon employees as of 2022
Native American and NHOPI1.8%

Source: Amazon

  1. The share of White employees is higher at the Senior Level.

63.7% of the senior leaders are white, while only 43.6% of corporate employees and 27.8% of the field and customer support staff are white.

The following infographics display the share of Amazon employees at different levels who belong to different races and ethnicities. 

Race/ EthnicityField and Customer support employees in the USCorporate employees in the USSenior leaders in the US
North American and NHOPI2.1%0.9%0.6%

Source: Amazon. 

Amazon Workforce by Age

  1. The average employee at Amazon is aged between 20 to 30 years. 

54% of the employees working at Amazon fall in the age group of 20 to 30. Besides, just 17% of the Amazon workers are aged over 40 years.

Share Of Amazon Employees And Their Age Groups

The following table displays the share of Amazon employees and their age groups:

Age groupPercentage of Amazon employees
18 to 20 years19%
20 to 30 years54%
30 to 40 years17%
40+ years8%

Source: Zippia. 

Amazon employees’ length of employment 

  1. Nearly 50% of the employees stay at Amazon for less than one year. 

While only 3% of the employees stay at the company for more than 11 years. 

Length of Employment For Amazon Employees

The following table displays the length of employment for Amazon employees:

Years of EmploymentPercentage of Employees Working at Amazon
Less than one year49%
1 to 2 years19%
3 to 4 year 4%
5 to 7 years20%
8 to 10 years5%
11 plus years3%

Source: Zippia. 

  1.  The average tenure for an Amazon is 9 to 12 months. 

According to Glassdoor, most of the employees at Amazon leave within a year. One of the major reasons for this was zero work-life balance. 

Source: Glassdoor

Amazon Layoffs

  1. Amazon laid off 27,000 employees in Q1 of 2023. 

Amazon laid off 18,000 workers in January 2023. The tech giant further eliminated another 9,000 employees in March 2023 as the company continues to cut costs. 

The following table displays the major Amazon layoffs recorded over the years:

YearNumber of Amazon Employees Laid off
1st Quarter 202327,000
November 202210,000
March 2017 (Shut down of Quidsi)260
March 2009 (three distribution centers in Nevada, Indiana, and Pennsylvania were shut down )210
January 20011,300

Source: Business Insider. 

Bonus: Check out Layoff statistics for further details about the latest layoffs in the tech and other industries. 

  1. Amazon laid off several hundreds of workers in Whole Foods and Amazon Fresh in April 2023. 

The layoffs were reported to be a part of a re-organization that was expected to take place over the next two months. 

Source: Business Insider. 

  1. At the beginning of the third quarter of 2023, Amazon Fresh laid off hundreds of store workers in zone lead roles that managed grocery stores. 

The company reported that these layoffs resulted from cost cuts at Amazon Fresh’s chains.  

How much does an Amazon employee get paid?

  1. On average, Amazon employees get an hourly pay that ranges from $13.18 per hour for security officers to $56.69 per hour for cost engineers. 

Source: Indeed. 

  1. The average salary of an Amazon employee in the United States is  $64,805 per year.

According to Zippia, the Average Amazon salary ranges between  $29,000 to  $144,000. 

The highest paying job at Amazon is IT project manager, with a pay of $147,856. 

The following table displays the top 5 highest-paying jobs at Amazon. 

RankJob TitleAverage Amazon SalaryHourly Rate
1IT Project manager$147,856$71.08
2Solutions Architect$145,783$70.09
4Data Engineer$132,051$63.49
5Application Software Developer$129,240$62.13

Source: Zippia. 

  1. Amazon pays the highest salaries to its employees in California due to the high living expenses.

Washington, Oregon, and Nevada are the other states where Amazon pays high salaries to their employees. 

Here are further details about the states where Amazon pays the highest average salaries.

  • California: $72,178.
  • Washington: $72,005
  • Oregon: $66,299
  • Nevada: $62,981
  • New York: $62,567

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