Top 22 Detailed Business Blogging Statistics For 2024

A business can use a blog to promote its products, engage with its audience, showcase its expertise, increase reach, and eventually drive traffic on its website. 

77% of internet users read blogs, which can be a medium to reach the target audience who are more likely to convert. 

This post is a compilation of insights into the business blogging niche. We have covered what tactics are the most useful in b2b and b2c blogging, ideal length and frequency of the posts, among many other things.

Let’s get into it, shall we?

Business Blogging Statistics 2024: At a Glance

  • 80% of businesses use blogs as a marketing tool as of 2024.
  • Having a blog can increase your business web traffic by 55%.
  • B2B businesses that publish blogs get 67% more leads as of 2024.
  • 73% of B2B marketers use case studies for blogging and content marketing.
  • B2C blog content receives 9.7 times more shares.
  • Businesses prioritizing blogging are 13 times more likely to have a positive ROI.

How many businesses use blogging?

The number of businesses doing content marketing has increased over the past few years. This section sheds light on how many businesses use blogs as a content strategy and how they use it.

80% Of The Businesses Use A Blog As A Marketing Tool as of 2024

91% of B2B businesses and 86% of B2C marketers use content marketing as of 2024.

At the same time, 80% of Fortune 500 companies have a dedicated blog. 

Source: Hubspot

36% of the marketers state that blogs are the number 1 marketing channel. 

Nearly half of marketers believe social media platforms are the best marketing channel. Meanwhile, one-third of marketers say blogs are the best marketing channel. 

Additionally, another one-third of marketers believe content marketing to be the top marketing channel. 

This displays that the written form of content still holds value in today’s visual-centric world. 

Other most preferred marketing channels are emails, and influencer marketing

Percentage of marketers that cite the channel to be a top marketing channel

Here are further details about the top marketing channels preferred by marketers worldwide. 

Marketing ChannelsPercentage of marketers that cite the channel to be a top marketing channel. 
Social media44%
Email marketing35%
Content marketing32%
Influencer marketing 30%

Source: Hubspot. 

There are more than 600 million blogs on the internet. 

This means more than one-third of the websites worldwide have blogs. 

Further, 6 million blog posts are produced daily, and only 14% of bloggers write content that is more than 2000 words in length. 

Source: OptinMonster

B2B Blog Statistics

Blogging plays a crucial role in B2B content marketing. It boosts lead generation and brand awareness of the brands. 

Let’s take a look at the benefits of blogging in the B2B market. 

B2B businesses that publish blogs get 67% more leads than those that don’t. 

76% of B2B marketers generate leads through blogging.

Source: Fundera

B2B businesses that blog witness an increase in customers. 

74% of B2B buyers conduct more than half of their business research online before purchasing.

Hence, publishing helpful content on your blog will help educate your buyer and position you as a go-to brand.

Further, your potential client will see you as a trusted source and value your expertise throughout the sales process, increasing your credibility. 

Source: Forrester

Buyers that find your content in search engines have an 8 times higher close rate. 

You are more likely to have a 14.6% close rate with your content compared to a 1.7% close rate through outbound leads generated from advertising and direct mail. 

Besides, creating a consistent blogging strategy can help you increase revenue and help connect the dots between your sales and marketing team. 

Source: TribalImpact.  

Blogging increases your website traffic by 55%. 

Blogging Stats

Every blog post creates an opportunity for your business to increase its reach. 

Other benefits of blogging for B2B businesses include: 

  • 94% more links to your website.
  • 126% higher lead growth.
  • 97% more inbound links.
  • 434% more indexed pages.

Source: Hubspot. 

73% of B2B marketers use case studies for blogging and content marketing. 

On the other hand, 94% of B2B marketers prefer social media for the same.

Here are the top six types of content B2B marketers use for content marketing:

  • Social media posts: 94% of marketers
  • Case studies: 73% of marketers
  • Pre-produced videos: 72% of marketers
  • Ebooks/white papers: 71% of marketers
  • Infographics: 65% of marketers
  • Illustrations/photos: 56% of marketers

Source: Content Marketing Institute. 

LinkedIn is considered to be the best platform for posting B2B business blogs. 

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network and is used by over 93% of B2B marketers worldwide. 

Some of the reasons that make LinkedIn the best B2B business blogging platform are:

  • 80% of LinkedIn users make business decisions.
  • LinkedIn helps B2B marketers target companies and business owners. 
  • 4 out of 5 leads generated on social media are from LinkedIn.

Source: Sketchdeck, LinkedIn, SocialMotto

Additional B2B Blogging stats.

  • 61% of the most effective B2B content marketers meet with their content team daily or at least weekly. 
  • 64% of B2B marketers outsource blogs.

B2C Blogging Statistics

Even though visual content is majorly promoted in the B2C market, blogs still serve a major purpose. Most B2C consumers prefer to check out reviews and how-to guides before purchasing a product. 

Here are further details about the importance of blogging in the B2C industry.

B2C blogs receive 9.7 times the number of shares than B2B blogs.

However, the distribution of links and shares recorded for B2B and B2C publishers are almost similar.

Source: Backlinko. 

B2C companies who blog generate 88% more monthly leads than those that do not.

B2C organizations that blogged 11 or more times per month received more than four times the number of leads as those that blogged just 4-5 times per month.

A higher number of blogs helps businesses to reach large audiences. Writing and publishing blogs on different topics can help you reach a vast audience that is more likely to become your customers. 

36% of B2C businesses value visual content more than written content. 

visual content Statistics

In comparison, only 25% of B2B marketers value visual content.

Visual content can be more effective than text for B2C businesses because the brain processes visuals faster. Visual content can also lead to increased engagement, brand awareness, and customer loyalty.

Additionally, Visual content is 40 times more likely to be shared on social media.

Source: LinkedIn. 

Business Blogging ROI Statistics

This section provides details about the returns businesses get on inventing in blogging. 

Businesses prioritizing blogging are 13 times more likely to have a positive ROI.

Moreover, websites with active blogs have 434% more indexed pages on the search engines. 

These websites also have 97% more inbound links than those that don’t. Inbound links help to boost a website’s authority. It is one of the major page-ranking factors. 

Source: OptiMonster. 

Blogs have three times higher conversion rates than paid search. 

The average conversion rate of a blog is 5%

35% of businesses have conversion rates between 2% to 5%, and about 30% of businesses manage to get more than 10% on a consistent basis.

Besides, A blog’s CTA has a conversion rate of about 4% to 5%. 

Half of the people who arrive at a brand’s blog are more likely to convert than people coming through organic traffic.

Source: Datablog. 

Business Blogging SEO Stats

This section will cover facts about ‘What role does SEO play in business?’ and ‘How does it affect your blog?’. 

Over 70% of bloggers update their old posts.

Business Blogging SEO Stats

Updating old posts is the second-best blogging strategy. The first is, of course, posting fresh content.

Bloggers who update old posts get 270% more results than those who don’t. 

Further, updating old posts can help:

  • Keep backlinks and gain new ones.
  •  Increase engagement and traffic.
  • Build trust with your audience.

75.5% of marketers use keyword research to create content for consumers and businesses.

40% of businesses that conduct keyword research before blogging have excellent results.

Keyword research is a critical part of search engine optimization (SEO). It helps businesses identify the keywords and phrases people use to search for information about their products, services, or industry.

Source: LinkedIn, mycodelesswebsite. 

40% of content marketers believe unique images, such as infographics, perform well in their blogs.

Content posts with images and graphics can increase engagement by up to 650%.

Besides, Infographics are one of the best-performing visual content that can help increase the engagement rate by 41.5%. 

So, to optimize your blog for better engagement, make sure you include engaging infographics. 

Source: searchlogitstics

Business Blogging Content-Length

In this section, I have answered questions like ‘What is the ideal length of a business blog’. 

The ideal length of a business blog post is 750 to 2000 words. 

Some content marketing experts say  2,450 is the sweet spot for business blogs. 

Further detailed reviews and longer product-related posts are more likely to rank better or SERPs. 

However, the ideal blog lengths may differ according to the industries. Hence, the content strategist must research and analyze the content length that best suits their niche. 

Here are further details about the average word count of blog ideas for different industries:  

IndustryAverage Word Count Ideal For a Blog 
Fashion800 – 950 words
Film1,500 – 1,700 words. 
Financial Technology2,000 – 2,150 words
Food1,400 – 1,900 words.
Gadgets300 – 500 words
General Finance2,100 – 2,500 words
Healthcare2,000 – 2,150 words
Home and Garden1,100 – 1,200 words
Marketing/advertising2,500 – 3,000 words
Sales2,500 – 2,700 words
Retail1,500 – 1,700 words
Real estate1,800 – 1,900 words
Technology800 – 1,000 words
Travel1,500 – 1,850 words

Source: Wix, Neil Patel, Linnworks

News or product pages usually have 300 to 500 words.

At the same time, standard blog posts have an average word count of 1000 words, while long-form content must include around 2,000 words. 

To clarify things, let’s take a look at the correlation between blog posts and word count:

  • Less than 300: These types of blogs are created mainly to generate discussion and comments. This word count isn’t ideal for SEO.
  • 300-600 words: This length was considered standard in the past; now, this word count is insufficient to show authority.
  • 600-1000 words: These types of blog posts are most used for journalism and newspapers.
  • 1,200-1,700 words: This window will give you actual blog posts. Contents with this length get higher social shares and higher backlinks.
  • 1,800-2,200 words: This word count is ideal for “How to Articles”. Posts with this length have good opportunities for lead conversion and organic traffic from search engines.
  • 2,300-2,500 words: This is the peak of a blog post, The length that will give you the most scope for SEO and Backlink building.
  • Around 4,000 words: This type of word count is in articles that cover a topic in detail. They are very much necessary.

User Behavior on Blog Posts

A blog serves the different needs of different readers worldwide. This section covers facts and figures related to the business blog audience and their preferences. 

61% of the online consumers in the United States made atleast one purchase based on a recommendation made by a blog post. 

Consumers are more attracted to authentic reviews and recommendations.

Business blogs, online reviews, and the recommendations made by their family and friends are the most trusted sources. 

Blogs provide a way to speak directly to your target audience, and most bloggers on social media today use this to their advantage to increase sales. 

Source: Content Marketing Institute. 

70% of the consumers said they would prefer to learn about a company through articles rather than advertisements.     

Consumers believe that the articles are genuine and provide actual reviews of the products. On the other hand, most of the advertisements are scripted or hollow and hence are not preferred by consumers while making a purchase decision. 

Additionally, articles or blogs offer more insightful and intentional information about companies, products, and brands than a simple advertisement can.

Source: HBR, Nealschaffer

 36% of readers find blogs credible if they include case studies.

Case studies boost the authenticity of the blogs; hence, most readers trust the blogs with case studies. 

Source: FirstGuide

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