55 Conversion Rate Optimization Statistics Of 2024

In 2024, the average website across the globe has a conversion rate of 3.68%. However, the top 10% of websites achieve a staggering 11.45% conversion rate or higher.

Reports reveal that 22% of companies who are satisfied with their conversion rates spend a good amount of their budget doing CRO.

This blog post highlights industry-specific benchmarks, the powerful impact of CRO strategies, and emerging trends that can propel you ahead of the competition.

Take out the best from your website by looking at these CRO stats and acting accordingly!

CRO Statistics For 2024: Top Picks

  1. The global average website conversion rate is 3.68%
  1. The average conversion rate of the paid searches is 3.2%. 
  1. 79% of generated leads don’t convert into sales.
  1. According to 55% of marketers, finding leads that convert is one of the biggest challenges they face.
  1. CRO can cost 30% of your overall marketing budget.
  1. The average ROI of companies using CRO tools is 223%.
  1. Companies spend an average of nearly $2,000 every month on CRO tools.
  1. The average conversion rate of the paid searches is 3.2%. 
  1. 63% of consumers will buy online from you if they’ve had a positive in-store experience.

General Conversion Rate Optimization Statistics

  1. 40% of the companies have no one in particular accountable for conversion rate optimization. 

Meanwhile, 30% of the respondents stated that a team is in charge of optimization, and 29% said that a single dedicated person works on optimization at their place of work. 

General Conversion Rate Optimization Statistics

Source: VWO

  1. 79% of the generated leads do not get converted into sales. 

Besides, 56% of the leads generated are not ready to buy. 

Source: WebFx. 

  1. 63% of the shoppers will buy online from you if they have experienced a positive in-store purchase. 

Source: WebFx.

  1. 55% of the marketers reported that finding leads that convert is one of the biggest challenges in generating new leads. 

Source: WebFx.

  1. 82% of marketers said that learning how to track and test conversion rates successfully is highly or moderately challenging.

Source: Transaction Agency. 

  1. Post-Covid, the two biggest challenges with CRO are buy-in from decision-makers and the need for better processes.

Source: 2020 State of Conversion Optimization Report, CXL

Bounce Rate Statistics

It is equally important to understand stats associated with bounce rate to better perform CRO.

In this section, we will show you some crucial insights on bounce rates across industries.

  1. The average bounce rate across the web among all sectors is between 26 to 70%.
  1. Mobile devices have the highest bounce rate at 51%.
  1. The apparel industry, which is one of the most popular niches, has an average bounce rate of 45%.

Here is a table showing the Average bounce rate of different sectors:

Food & Beverage55 to 65%
Financial Services50%
SaaS (Software as a Service)65%
  1. A 1-3 seconds web page load time increases bounce rate probability by 32%.

further, A 1-6 seconds web page load time increases bounce rate probability by 90%, and a A 1-10 seconds web page load time increases the bounce rate probability by 123%.

Source: Hubspot, Capturly, Semrush, Nvisage Digital.

CRO Adoption Statistics

Considering its benefits, a large number of businesses have adopted CRO strategies. 

Let’s look at the share of businesses that have adopted CRO and its different techniques. 

  1. 69% is the highest adoption rate of tools and techniques for increasing conversion rates and measuring experiences. 

This number indicated that many firms have not adopted CRO tools and techniques. 

  1. 68% of the small businesses haven’t yet adopted CRO strategies. 
  1. The most used content optimization tool by firms is experience testing.
The most used content optimization tool by firms is experience testing

64% of marketers utilize UX testing for conversion rate optimization. Meanwhile, personalization is used by 61% of marketers and 57% prefer using content testing, respectively, as a part of the CRO technique. 

  1. 53% of companies allocate less than 5% of their marketing budget to optimization activities.
  1. On average, companies spend $2,000 per month on CRO tools.
  1. 39.6% of the companies worldwide document their CRO strategy. 
39.6% of the companies worldwide document their CRO strategy
  1. Less than 0.11% of online websites use CRO tools or run tests to optimize conversion rates. 

Source: 99 firms, optimizely.com, Martech, Webfx, Invespro, Techreport, Outgrow. 

How much is spent by marketers on CRO

  1. CRO can cost marketers almost 30% of the overall marketing budget.
  1. CRO tools that help manage the conversion rate and optimization can cost anywhere from $10 to $500 per month.
  1. On average, Companies spend nearly $2,000 a month on the CRO tools.

Besides, companies spend an average of $800 to $10,000 monthly on a CRO service agency. 

  1. The average monthly cost of CRO tools is between $10 and $500.

However, large companies must spend an average of $2,000 monthly on CRO tools and services. 

  1. The global market for CRO software is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 10%. 

In 2018, the global market for CRO software was estimated to be worth $771 million. The market is further expected to reach $1,932 million by 2026. 

  1. The average ROI of companies using CRO tools is 223%.

According to a survey conducted by Venture Beats, 173 marketers said they could generate returns higher than 1,000% after implementing the CRO tools. 

On the other hand,  5% of participants in the same study did not even generate an ROI of  223%.

The average ROI of companies using CRO tools is 223%

Sources: WebFx, VWO, Notify Visitors, PPC masterminds, research.ai multiple. 

Average Conversion rate

  1. An average website conversion rate is between 2% to 5%. 
An average website conversion rate is between 2% to 5%. 

The websites with a conversion rate of over 5% are considered good or above average. 

However, the conversion rates may vary depending on the industry and the business. 

  1. The top 25% of websites have conversion rates of 5.31% or higher.

Besides, the landing pages of the top 10% of websites have conversion rates of nearly 12% or higher. 

  1. The best-performing websites are recorded to have an average conversion rate of 11%. 
  1. The conversion rate for desktops is recorded to be 14%

At the same time, the conversion rate for tablets and smartphones is 3.36% and 1.53% respectively.

  1. The average conversion rate of Facebook ads is 9.21%.

Further, the average conversion rate of Google ads is 3.75%, and that of Instagram is 1.5%.

  1. 75% of B2B marketers find conversion rate an important metric for understanding a landing page’s performance.
  1. The average conversion rate of the paid searches is 3.2%. 
  1. The highest paid search conversion rates are recorded in financial industries. It has an average paid search conversion rate of 15.6%. 
  1. The lowest paid search conversion rates are recorded in the B2B services.

The B2B services have an average paid conversion rate of 0.9%. Apart from that, other  industries with the lowest conversion rates are: 

  • B2B tech industry: 1.5%
  • B2B ecommerce industry: 1.7%
  • Travel industry: 1.7%
  • Healthcare industry: 1.9%
  1. Inbound marketing can potentially increase the conversion rates for an average website by 6% to 12%.

Source: Popsmart.com, Geckoboard. 

Average Conversion Rates By Industry

In this section, we will go through the average conversion rates recorded in different industries worldwide. 

  1. B2B eCommerce has a conversion rate of around 4%. 

Conversion rates vary depending on factors like Industry, Business model, Pricing, Shoppers, Marketing, Products,  etc. 

Here are further details about the conversion rates recorded across different industries. 

  • Ecommerce: 1.84% to 3.71%
  • B2B: 2.23% to 4.31%
  • Legal: 1.07%
  • Finance: 5.01% to 15%
  • Automotive: 2.5%
  • B2B eCommerce: 4.0%
  • B2B Services: 7.0%

Source: Popup Smart, Geckboard. 

  1. The Arts and crafts market has the highest conversion rate of 3.79% in the ecommerce industry. 

Besides, the conversion rate of different markets in the ecommerce industry is as follows:

Market Conversion Rate 
Arts and crafts3.79%
Health and well-being3.62%
Pet care3.28%
Fashion clothing and accessories2.44%
Food and drink2.37%
Electrical and commercial equipment2.23%
Home accessories and giftware2.16%

Sources: Scale Crush, Tribe of Brands, Word Stream, Robosize, Adobe. 

What Is The Average eCommerce Conversion Rate?

  1. The average eCommerce conversion rate is around 2.5% to 3%.

Source: Shopify.

  1. The fashion, accessories, and apparel sector has a conversion rate of 3.2%.

At the same time,  The health and wellbeing market has an average conversion rate of 2.8%, and the luxury kitchen and home appliances market has an average conversion rate of 0.8%.

Source: VWO. 

Email Conversion Rates

  1. 361 billion emails are sent every day around the globe, and only 3.61 billion emails are converted!
  1. The average conversion rate of email marketing is 17.75%.
  1. The average conversion rate for email marketing campaigns based on the number of click-through rates is 15.22%
  1. Emails with personalized subject lines are 22% more likely to be opened.

Besides, the emails without a subject line have an open rate of 8% higher than emails containing a subject line.

  1. 8.24% of cart recovery emails lead to conversions

Source: Porch Media, Fit small businesses, Adoric, Constant contact, SNOV.  

Landing Page Conversion Stats

  1. A good benchmark for a successful landing page is a conversion rate of 2% to 5%. 

However, the top-performing landing pages can have an average conversion rate of 

  1. 57% of the B2B marketers stated that conversion rate is the most useful metric in analyzing a landing page’s performance. 
  1. The average landing page conversion rate across all industries is 9.7%. 
  1. The e-commerce landing pages have an average conversion rate of  12.9%.

Meanwhile, the entertainment landing pages have an average conversion rate of 18.1%. 

Source: HubSpot, Unbounce, SeedProd, Growth Marketing Pro.

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