35+ Chrome Statistics for 2024 (Users, Data & Facts)

Chrome quickly dominated the browser market in just a few years. Initially available only on Microsoft Windows, it soon expanded to other systems and became a major player. Since 2012, Chrome has been the dominant worldwide browser, with 6 out of 10 internet users using it as their primary browser.

If you’re looking for comprehensive insights into the most popular web browser, you’ve come to the right place. I’ve gathered all the essential statistics about Chrome that every internet user should know. 

So, let’s get into it.

Chrome Statistics In 2024 (Top Picks)

Explore intriguing Chrome statistics and gain insights into its market share, usage trends, and impact on the web browsing landscape.

  1.  Chrome is the most used web browser globally, with a market share of 63.45%.
  1.  Chrome holds 48.62% of the browser market in the United States.
  1.  More than 3.229 billion internet users are using Chrome. 
  1. Chrome also holds 61.76% of the Mobile browser market
  1. Google Chrome has between 176,608 to 188,620 extensions. 
  1. Only 13 Chrome extensions have 10 million users. 
  1. Google Chrome is the second most downloaded free Android app on the Google Play store.

Chrome Market Share Statistics

As we already know, Chrome has the highest browser market share worldwide. We will dive in deeper and get a complete breakdown of Chrome’s market share in this section.

  1. Chrome has the most browser market share globally, with 63.45% as of 2024

According to Stat Counter, Chrome is currently the most popular web browser worldwide, holding 63.45% of the global browser market. The second most used browser is Safari, with a 20.48% market share.

Chrome Market Share Statistics

Following Chrome and Safari, Edge and Firefox has the maximum browser market share, with 4.97% and 2.76%, respectively. Here are more insights on the browser market. 

BrowsersMarket Share Of Browsers
Chrome 63.45%
Samsung Internet2.59%
UC Browsers0.93%
  1. In 2022, Chrome held 64.68% of the browser market share worldwide

If we look at Chrome’s market share in 2009, it was only 5.38%. Since then, Chrome has continuously grown. And in 2023, it acquired over 60% of the browser market.

YearChrome’s Market Share

Source: Stat Counter.

Chrome Market Share In The United States Statistics

Chrome is currently the leading browser in the United States, with Safari being its top competitor.

Below are the key statistics regarding Chrome’s market share in the United States.

  1. Chrome holds 48.62% of the browser market in the United States. 

In the United States, Chrome leads the browser market with 48.62% of the market share as of 2024. However, Safari also holds a significant market share, with 34.68%. 

It is worth noting that Chrome’s market share in the United States is lower than its global market share due to other browsers holding significant market shares in the United States.

BrowserMarket Share In USA
Samsung Internet1.32%
  1. In 2022, Chrome held 50.81% of the browser market share in the United States. 

While it has good competition from Safari, Google Chrome managed to have a good hold in 2022 as well. 

Here is a table showing Chrome’s market share in the United States over the years:

YearChrome’s Market Share

Source: Stat Counter.

Chrome Usage Statistics

In recent years, Chrome has consistently been gaining new users. We will review all the key statistics regarding Chrome usage in this section.

  1. More than 3.229 billion internet users are using Chrome. 

Based on data from Statista, Chrome is used by over 3.22 billion internet users, and this number is increasing at a significant rate even as you read this. 

Chrome Usage Statistics

The user base of Chrome has snowballed from 1.252 billion in 2014 to 3.229 billion in 2021. Below are some essential insights into the number of Chrome users over the years.

YearThe Number Of Chrome Users
20141.252 billion
20151.505 billion
20161.844 billion
20172.044 billion
20182.395 billion
20192.739 billion
20203.064 billion
20213.229 billion
  1. The most number of Chrome users are in Wyoming states in the United States.

Data from True List shows that most Chrome users in the United States are in Wyoming, comprising 65.94%. Florida holds second place with 37.15% of users. 

Below is a breakdown of the top five states with the highest number of Chrome users:

  • Wyoming- 65.94%
  • Florida- 37.15%
  • New Mexico- 36.92%
  • Connecticut- 36.75%
  • Alabama- 36.64%
  1. 6% of people in the United States say that Chrome is the app they could least do without.  

Chrome is currently ranked 6th on the list of most essential apps for people in the United States. Facebook leads the pack, with 17% of survey respondents indicating it as their most important app. Meanwhile, Twitter ranks 5th on the list.

Source: Statista, Truelist

Chrome Devices Statistics

Chrome’s market share differs across devices. In this section, we’ll examine key statistics on Chrome’s browser market for mobile, desktop, and tablet devices.

Let’s take a look.

Chrome Mobile Statistics

  1. Globally, Chrome holds 61.76% of the Mobile browser market

Chrome has the most prominent mobile browser market share globally, with 61.76%. Following Chrome is Safari, with 27% share.

Chrome Mobile Statistics

After Safari, Samsung Internet, Opera, and UC Browser hold maximum market shares, with 4.83%, 1.89%, and 1.71%, respectively. Here are some additional statistics on the mobile browser market.

BrowsersMobile Browser Market Share
Samsung Internet4.83%
UC Browser1.71%
QQ Browser0.23%
  1. Internet users accessed websites 74.3% of the time by using Chrome on mobile worldwide. 

Based on True List’s data, the region with the highest usage of Chrome mobile is Africa, with 84%. The Asian region comes second with a Chrome mobile usage of 76.4%.

 Worldwide, the overall penetration rate of Chrome mobile usage is 74.3%.

Please refer to the table below for a breakdown of the Chrome mobile usage penetration rate by region.

RegionPenetration Rate of Chrome Mobile Usage
North America74.5%
South America73%
  1. Safari held 34.68% mobile browser market in the United States. 

According to Stat Counter, Chrome currently holds the largest share of the mobile browser market in the United States, with 48.62%.

Additionally, the same study reveals that Edge (8.45%), Firefox (3.39%), Opera (1.99%), Samsung Internet (1.32%), Android (0.67%), IE (0.26%), and Mozilla (0.16%) have significant mobile browser shares in the United States.

  1. In Europe, Chrome held 56.49% of the mobile browser market. 

In Europe, Chrome remains a dominant mobile browser market, followed by Safari, which held second place with 33.4%. 

Other players include Samsung Internet (6.97%), Opera (1.02%), Firefox (0.9%), YANDEX Browser (0.4%), Instabridge (0.22%), UC Browser (0.24%), and Android (0.21%).

Source: Stat Counter.

Chrome Desktop Statistics

  1. Globally, Chrome held 66.22% of the desktop browser market. 

According to recent data, Chrome remains the dominant player in the desktop browser market, with a market share of 66.22%. Safari, Edge, Firefox, Opera, and IE follow with market shares of 11.89%, 10.95%, 5.59%, 3.12%, and 0.55%, respectively.

  1. Chrome holds over 55% of the desktop browser market in the United States.  

According to Stat Counter, Chrome continues to be the top player in the desktop browser market in the United States. Safari is the second most popular desktop browser, with a 22.43% share. 

The study also indicates that Edge holds 13.58% of the desktop browser market, followed by Firefox at 4.95%, Opera at 2.9%, and IE at 0.43%.

  1. Chrome holds 64.19% of the desktop browser market in Europe. 

According to recent data, Chrome has taken a dominant position in the European desktop browser market, accounting for 64.19% of the market share. 

Following Chrome, Edge (11.85%), Firefox (8.92%), Safari (8.4%), Opera (4.84%), and YANDEX Browser (1.07%) are the most popular desktop browsers.

Source: Stat Counter.

Chrome Tablet Statistics

  1. Chrome held 47.88% of the tablet browser market. 

Chrome is currently the leading tablet browser market worldwide, with 47.88% of the market share, while Safari follows closely behind with 36.64%. The other leading tablet browsers include Android with 13.13%, Opera with 0.72%, Edge with 0.42%, and Puffin with 0.29%.

  1. Chrome holds second place in the tablet browser market in the United States. 

According to the latest data, Safari holds the largest share of the tablet browser market in the United States at 38.64%. Following closely behind is Chrome, with 33.86%.

Android, Edge, Opera, and Puffin trail behind with 25.11%, 0.64%, 0.54%, and 0.36%, respectively.

  1. Chrome holds 48.07% of the tablet browser market in Europe. 

In the European tablet browser market, Chrome has the highest market share at 48.07%, while Safari also has a significant share at 37.62%. 

Other notable players in the market include Android (12.19%), Opera (0.82%), Edge (0.38%), and YANDEX Browser (0.35%).

Chrome Extension Statistics

Chrome has over 176,000 extensions, organized into various categories ranging from productivity to fun. 

This section will provide you with all the necessary statistics about Chrome extensions.

  1. Google Chrome has between 176,608 to 188,620 extensions. 

Based on True List, Chrome has a total of 176,608 extensions, with 137,345 being actual extensions and 39,263 being themes. 

Another study conducted by Extension Monitors indicates that Chrome has 188,620 extensions.

  1. 87% of Chrome extensions do not even have 1,000 installs. 

According to our analysis, only half of all Chrome extensions have fewer than 16 installs, and a vast majority, 87%, never receive more than 1,000 installs.

Taking into account the total number of Chrome extensions, which is 176,608, this means that only 22,959 extensions are able to achieve more than 1,000 installs.

  1. Only 13 Chrome extensions reached 10 million users. 

Of all Chrome extensions, only 13 reached the milestone of 10 million installs. Out of these 13 Chrome extensions, Adobe Acrobat is at the top. 

Here is a list of the 13 Chrome Extensions that have achieved 10 million users. 

  • Adobe Acrobat
  • Adblock Plus
  • Adblock
  • Avast Online Security
  • Google Translate
  • Tampermonkey
  • uBlock Origin
  • Cisco Webex
  • Pinterest Save Button
  • Grammarly For Chrome
  • Skype
  • Honey
  • Avast SafePrice
  1. 24.9% of Chrome extensions are productivity related. 

22.4% of Chrome extension are from the Fun category, that account for 30,726 extensions. The top category is Productivity, with 24.9%, that account for 34,229 extensions. Here is a table showing more insights into Chrom Extension’s categories. 

CategoryPercentage in total Chrome ExtensionsNumber of Chrome Extensions
Developer Tools7.2%9,953
Social and Communications6.9%9,525
Search Tool5.8%8,000
News and Weather1.7%3,001
  1. Overall, 4.7% of Chrome extensions are paid. 

According to recent data, most Chrome extensions (86.4%) require a one-time fee, while a smaller percentage (6.3%) utilize in-app payments. 

Additionally, a small portion (5.7%) offer monthly subscription plans, with even fewer (1.6%) offering yearly subscription options.

Source: True List. 

Here’s a list of the top extensions you can use to get more out of Google Chrome.

Chrome Web Store Statistics

Here are some key statistics about the Chrome Web Store. You can learn about Chrome’s ranking by ratings and downloads.

Let’s take a closer look at the data.

  1. Google Chrome is the second most downloaded free Android app on Google Play Apps.

Based on data from Androidrank, Google Chrome is the second most popular free Android app worldwide, following YouTube on Google Play App. Chrome has been downloaded more than 10 billion times.

The Chrome App’s download rate on Google Play is 0.6% monthly and 1.2% every two months.

  1. Google Chrome ranks 11th by the number of ratings on the Google Play App. 

The Google Chrome app has an average rating of 4.11 from more than 42.48 million users on Google Play App.

WhatsApp holds first place in the list, with More than 176.07 million ratings and an average rating of 4.28. 

Source: androidrank.org.

Chrome Safety Statistics

While Google continuously rolls out updates for Chrome and takes measures to improve the safety of the platform. It still has some flaws, like every other tool. Let’s take a look at how things stand for people’s favorite browsers in terms of safety.

  1. Google Prevents around 1,800 malicious uploads to Chrome per month. 

Chrome uses various measures to prevent malware from stealing personal information. These include developing new program protections and manual reviewers. 

Additionally, Google plans to change how Chrome handles ad blocks. This became a priority after the 2018 incident when 100,000 computers were infected by browser extensions that stole user data and mined cryptocurrencies.

  1. Chrome was the most vulnerable browser, with 308 vulnerabilities discovered. 

One of the most frequent issues reported was denial of service. The second most common issue was overflow, followed by bypassing security measures and gaining information.

Here is a showing the list of most common types of issues related to Chrome

  • Denial of Services
  • Overflow
  • Bypass Something
  • Gain Information
  • Executive Code
  • Memory Corruption
  • XSS
  • CSRF
  • Directory Traversal
  • Gain Privileged

Chrome Versions Statistics

Google has released multiple versions of Chrome over time, with many of these versions holding a significant market share.

Now, let’s look at some key statistics regarding Chrome versions.

  1. Chrome for the Android version has the most share in the global Chrome market, with 37.2%

Chrome has multiple versions currently in use. Out of 12 Chrome versions, Chrome for Android is the most frequently used, with 37.2% of the browser market share. The second most popular Chrome version is Chrome 112.0, with a 9.37% market share.

Chrome 112.0, Chrome 111.0, and Chrome 109.0 also hold significant market share, with 9.73%, 8.79%, and 2.11%, respectively. Below is a comprehensive overview of Chrome versions.

Chrome Version Browser Market Share
Chrome For Android37.2%
Chrome 112.09.73%
Chrome 111.08.79%
Chrome 109.02.11%
Chrome 103.00.27%
Chrome 108.00.25%
Chrome 105.00.09%
Chrome 107.00.1%
Chrome For iPhone1.71%
Chrome 110.00.48%
Chrome 100.00.05%
Chrome 102.0 0.06%
  1. Chrome for Android has 15.54% of the total share of the browser market in the United States. 

Like the global Chrome market, Chrome for Android has the highest market share among Chrome versions, with 15.54% in the United States. 

The second most widely used Chrome version is Chrome 111.0, which has 11.7% of the browser market share in the United States. Below is a table that displays the browser market share of various Chrome versions.

Chrome VersionBrowser Market Share
Chrome For Android15.54%
Chrome 111.011.7%
Chrome 112.011.38%
Chrome 103.00.67%
Chrome 108.00.5%
Chrome 110.01.01%
Chrome 109.01.25%
Chrome For iPhone1.6%
Chrome 107.00.13%
Chrome 105.00.17%

Source: Stat Counter.

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